-Week 7, Dia 4- A.Skill: Push Ups, Pike, Hspu, Ring Dips. B. Banca-Floor Press: Wup 60% x 5, 75% x 5, 85%, x 3, 95% x 1+ Rest: Russian Dips 1-3 + Run 100 C. -Running ‘JT’- For time: Run 800 mts  21 HSPU 21 Ring Dips 21 Push Ups Run 500 mts  15 HSPU 15 Ring Dips 15 Push Ups Run 150 mts  9 HSPU 9 Ring Dips 9 Push

-Week 7, Dia 3- A. Dead Lift Wup: 50% x 5, 60% x 5 75% x5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+ Rest: 10″ KB Bottom Squat Hold B. Skill: Snatch Clasico -3Rm- C. -ISABEL- For Time: 30 P.Snatch @ 70% 3Rm Time Cut 5 mins

-Week 6, Dia 5- A. Dead Lift: 50% x 3, 60% x 3 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+ Rest: 3 – 6 – 9 – 12 – HSPU B. Time Priority DIANE 2.0 For Reps: 60″ Max Perfect Dead Lift @ 60-70% (90%1Rm) 60″ Max reps HSPU 45″ Max reps P.DL 45″ Max reps HSPU 30″ Max reps  P.DL 30″ Max reps HSPU -Comp 5.10.15-

Week 6, Dia 4   A. Bench Press Wup: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 3, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+ Rest: 8-10 KB Row 8-10 RDL B. -Bear Complex- 1 rep: 1 PCL + 1 Fsqt + 1 Push Press + 1 Back Squat + 1 Push Press C. 3 x 3’AMRAP: 3 BC @ 60/45 6 Box Jump Over @ 70/60 9 T2B Rest 60″/Amrap

– Week 5, Dia 5 – A. Push Press: Wup @ 50% x 5, 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5 + B. a lo largo de 2-3 sets build: 1 Rnd DT: 12 Dead Lift + 9 HP. Cleans + 6 SH2OH Rest: Row 100 mts C. -Team Wod- Rowing DT: En parejas alternar a1 / a2 For Time: a1: 1 Rnd DT @ 70/50 a2: Row

-Fin Semana Descarga- A. Press d Banca: 50% – 60% – 70% x 5 Rest: 8-10 incline KB Row B. Skill: Kipping Pull Ups, C2B, BMU. C. “Nicole XXX” -20′ AMRAP- MB Run 500 @ 20/14 Max Reps BMU + Max Reps C2B + Max Reps PU * *unbroken: al fallo continuar con el siguiente skill inmeditamente -Anotar número total de Reps- ó “Nicole” -20′ AMRAP- Run 500 mts Max

-Semana Descarga- A. Push Press: 50%, 60%, 70% x 5 Rest: 3 x Pause Barbell Rows (A.H.A.P) B. “Figth Gone Bad” -3Rnds- 60″: Max Reps Wall Balls @ 20/14 60″: Max Reps SDLHP @ 40/25 60″: Max Reps Box Jumps 60″: Max Reps Push Press 60″: Max Row cal – 60″: REST –

CONDAL NEW CYCLE WEEK 1 – DIA 2 A. Bench Press: 75% x 5, 80% x5, 85% x5+ *Porcentajes basados en el 90% 1Rm B. Skill:  Cleans // Muscle Ups  C. “Clean Amanda” For Time: 9 – 7 – 5  Sqt Cleans @ 60/45 Muscle Ups

-Team Wod- Run 4K/3k For Time: -Alternar cada 500 mts- mientras a1: Run 500 mts / a2: Max cal Row *cada cambio de estación: 10 Sincro Burpees Anotar Tiempo y Cal total remadas.

“CROSSFIT  TOTAL” Encontrar: -Back Squat 1Rm- -Press Hombro 1Rm- -Dead Lift 1Rm- *Comparar con 20.06.16 

A. Warm up to Cindy: 5 Pull Ups + 10 Push Ups + 15 A.Sqts B. Warm up to  DT: 12 DL + 9 H.P.Cleans + 6 SH2OH -Then- For time: -3Rnds Cindy- 1 Rnds DT @ 50/35 -2Rnds Cindy- 2Rnds DT -1Rnd Cindy- 3 Rnds DT 

A. Skill: Rope Climb B. ‘HERO WOD’ -DVB- For Time: MB Run 800 mts then 8Rnds: 10 Wall Balls + 1 R.Climb MB Run 500 mts then 4Rnds: 10 Wall Balls + 1 Rope Climb MB Run 150 then 2Rnds: 10 Wall Balls + 1 Rope Climb

