Sep 2018
Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) 3’ EMOM 1 High Hang sqt. Clean + 1 Hang sqt. Clean + 1 Squat Clean and Jerk @ 60% 1’ Rest 3’ EMOM 1 Hang sqt. Clean + 1 Squat Clean and Jerk @ 65-70% 1’ Rest 5’ EMOM 1 Squat Clean and Jerk @ Climbing Metcon (Reps) 6 x 1’ AMRAP 10 T2B Max Power Cleans @ 1Rm de hoy 1’ Rest *Anotar Suma
Sep 2018
CrossFit Total Sum of the Best of Each Lift 1 Back Squat 1 Shoulder Press 1 Deadlift Athlete gets 3 attempts at each lift. Weight must increase after each successful attempt at each movement. Weight may not be decreased after first attempt. A failed rep counts as an attempt. The CrossFit Total is CrossFit’s approach to testing absolute strength, deeming these movements the “three most effective lifts in existence for
Ene 2018
Gymnastics (Chest-To-Bar Pull-up) STRICT C2B PU + Build a Heavy Rep of BACK SQUAT con 3″ de pausa R1: 10 Ring Rows + 5 reps R2: 5 S.Pull ups + 3 reps R3: 60% of Max + 1-2 reps R4: 60% of Max + 1 heavy rep R5: 60% of Max + 1 heavy rep R6: 50% of Max + 1 heavy rep ADV: 1 Set of Max reps Kipping
Dic 2017
Fuerza Gymnastics + Deadlift STRICT HSPU + DEAD LIFT R1: 10 Push ups + 5 reps DL @ 65% R2: 5 Pike Push ups + 3 reps DL @ 75% R3: 50% of Max S.HSPU + 1-2 reps DL @ 80-85% R4: 40% of Max S. HSPU + 1 heavy rep DL R5: 40% of Max S. HSPU + 1 heavy rep DL R6: 40% of Max S. HSPU +
Nov 2017
Gymnastics (Pull-up) Test: Max Strict C2B Pull Ups UBK *No Strict PU: 1) Low Bar PU 2) Eccentric PU Skill Gymnastic Kipping Pull Up Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 4 x 3′ AMRAP 100m D-Ball Walk @ 50/30 Max Rounds of Cindy rest 60″/AMRAP *Retomando Reps
Nov 2017
Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) Build 1RM en 6 sets rest: 2′-3′ TC 18′ Skill BARBELL CYCLING Grace 30 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lbs) aka: “Amazing Grace.” Power cleans or full cleans are acceptable. Athlete may re-set after the clean or catch the bar in the rack position for the clean and push straight into the jerk without pausing. However snatches are not allowed.
Nov 2017
Weightlifting (Bench Press) Build a 1RM en 5-6 sets rest: 2′-3’/set Metcon (Tiempo) 3RFT 2 Rope Climb 500m run 20 Push ups TC 15′ RX+: 3RFT 2 LL Rope Climb 500m Run 21-15-9 Ring Dips
Nov 2017
-Test Week – CrossFit Total Sum of the Best of Each Lift 1 Back Squat 1 Shoulder Press 1 Deadlift Athlete gets 3 attempts at each lift. Weight must increase after each successful attempt at each movement. Weight may not be decreased after first attempt. A failed rep counts as an attempt. The CrossFit Total is CrossFit’s approach to testing absolute strength, deeming these movements the “three most effective
Nov 2017
CrossFit Wod Barcelona Viernes 17.11.17 Weightlifting (Split Jerk) Build a 1RM en 5-6 sets rest 2′-3′: work on Mu prog Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 6′ AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15-18… etc. DB Thrusters @ 22’5/15 Burpees with DB Rest 2′ before next wod Metcon (Reps) 3’ Amrap: Max Burpee Muscle Up
Nov 2017
“Hero’s C.O.R.E” Atletas A,B,C rotan estaciones de CORE y DT For Time: 20 Synchro Knees to Chest (A+B) 2 Rnds “DT” con Dumbells @15/10 (C) 15 Synchro Knees to Elbow (C+B) 2 Rnds “DT” con KB’s @ 16/12 (A) 10 Synchro T2B (A+C) 2 Rnds “DT” con Barbell @60/40 (B) -Time Cut 18 mins- @20:00 mins – En equipos Chico/Chica – build a 1Rm Sqt Clean @25:00 mins – FIN
Nov 2017
“Too Fast Too Furious 2.0” Este Wod es por tiempo y max kilos Atletas rotarán estaciones “conga style” For Time + Kilos: Sky 200 mts 1 Squat Snatch Row 200 mts 2 Squat Snatch Assault Bike 0.4 miles 3 Squat Snatch Inmediatemanete despues: “Team Karen” 150 Alternate Wall Balls @All teams- 14lbs Atletas rotarán estaciones work/rest sin soltar/parar la pelota si se sueltan la pelota cada Atleta paga: 5
Oct 2017
Weightlifting (Sumo Deadlift) AGAINST BANDS Build a 1RM en 5-6 sets rest 2′-3′ Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 10 Alt. Pistols 15 HP Snatch @ 40/30 150 m run 10 Alt. Pistols 10 HP Snatch @ 50/35 150 m run 10 Alt. pistols 5 HP Snatch @ 60/40