Metcon (Tiempo) PARTNER WOD FOR TIME AND CAL 3000m Row* 1600m Run (2x 800m entrando al pasaje) 2000m Row** 1000m Run (2x 500m sin entrar) MAX CAL ROW TC 40’ *Cambiar cada 300m **Cambiar cada 200m ***Anotar tiempo al terminar los últimos 1000m y las calorias hasta llegar a los 40’

Metcon CORE FOR QUALITY 20 Weighted Hollw Rocks 30” Hollow Hold 40 Hollow Rocks 2’ rest 20 Weighted Hip extension 30” Arch Hold 40 Hip extension Metcon (Tiempo) TEAMS OF 3 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME AND REPS A1: 150m 2 KTB/DB Farmer Walk A2: 30/21 Cal AB/Ski A3: Max Reps Burpees Box Jump Over @ all 50 TC 25’ *Cada atleta pasa 3 veces por cada estación *Rotar Cuando A1

CONDAL BEACH WOD 18.3 En Equipos de 4 integrantes 3RFT: Round1: Team Run 400 mts  + Team Paddle Swimg 300 mts then: *100 Paddle Board Thursters + 30 Syncro Burpees Over Board Round 2: Team Run 400 mts  + Team Paddle Swimg 300 mts then: *200 Paddle Board OH Alt Lunges + 30 Syncro Push Ups then: Round 3: *100 Paddle Board  GTO + 30 Syncro Inverted toes to board

Metcon CORE NOT FOR TIME 1′ Ring/Box L-Sit Hold 2′ DBall Bear Hold 30″ Ring/Box L-Sit Hold 1′ DBall Bear Hold 15″ Ring/Box L-Sit Hold 30″ DBall Bear Hold TC 7′ Then: 300m KTB Farmer Walk (150m x2) TC 5′ Metcon (Reps) PARTNER WOD 15′ AMRAP 10/7 Cal Row 10 T2B Max Ring Dips UBK *Alternar full rounds **Anotar la suma total de las reps ADV: Max RMU

Warmup C.O.R.E with Plate if able 30 Hollow Rocks 30 v/ups 30 Russian Twist 30″ sec Hollow Hold 30 Russian Twist 30 OH Plate sit Ups 30 Back extensions 30″ Arch hold Metcon (Tiempo) PARTNER WOD FOR TIME 2000m Row* 1600m MB Run @20/14 (2 Vueltas grandes entrando hasta al final del pasaje) 2000m Row* *Cambiar cada 200m

Murph For Time 1 Mile Run 100 Pull-Ups 200 Push-Ups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats as needed. Start and finish with a Mile run. If you’ve got a 20 pound vest or body armor, wear it. In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

Metcon (Rondas y Reps) ADVANCE 3x 2’ AMRAP 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 Squat Snatch 1’ Rest Set 1: 30% Set 2: 40% Set 3: 50% Weightlifting (Snatch) On the 90” x 5 Sets Pausing knee Snatch DL Hang Squat Snatch Squat Snatch *Starts with 50% + 5% x Set Then: 6’ EMOM 1 Squat Snatch M1: 73% M2: 75% M3: 77% *Repeat

Metcon (Tiempo) En Equipos 4-5 For Time: 800 mts Team Run 100 reps – Alt D-Ball Crusthers over High Rope @ 30/20 800 mts Team Run 100 reps – Alt D-Ball Cleans over mid rope @ 40/30 800 mts Run 100 reps – Sincro Burpess over and under a low rope 200 mts – Buddy Carry Run

Weightlifting (Deadlift) Build a 2RM en 4 Set 2’/Set Then: 3 Sets of 7 reps @ 80% of the above load 90″/Set Metcon (Tiempo) PARTNER WOD FOR TIME 2000m Row* 60 DL @ BW* 100 Burpees Facing Bar* *Dividir any how ADV: DL @ 102/70

Metcon -4 SETS- 10 Barbell bent over Row 10 Weighted Push Ups Rest 90” Metcon (Tiempo) PARTNER WOD -FOR TIME- 1500m MB Run together 300 DU* 150 Wall Balls @ 20/14* 30 BMU* *Dividir any how

Weightlifting (Floor Press) En 4 Sets Build a 5 RM 90″/Set Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 1000m Run (500m x2) 9 Strict C2B 15 Ring Push ups 21 AKTBS @ 24/16 27 Sit Ups 21 AKTBS @ 24/16 15 Ring Push ups 9 Strict C2B 1000m Run (500m x2)

Metcon CORE 3 ROUNDS 12 Sit Ups OH Plate 12 Tuck ins 12 V ups 12 Back Extensions 2′ Rest 3 ROUNDS 30″ Work / 10″ Rest Hollow Hold Arch Hold Metcon (Tiempo) PARTNER WOD FOR TIME 80 Cal Row / Ski / AB 80 DBall Cleans @ 50/40 80 Burpees Over the Ball 80 Cal Row / Ski / AB *Cada 4′: 50 m Partner Carry (25 m cada

