Oct 2018
Weightlifting (Back Squat) Warm Up: 1×5 @50% 1×5 @60% 1×5 @70% @Rest: 3RM Box Jump + 20” DU o práctica Then: 1×3 @75% 1×3 @77% 1x Max Reps @82% @Rest: 2’-3’ Metcon (Tiempo) 5 RFT 50 DU 10 1 DB Alt. OH Lunge @22’5/15 (R) 10 1 DB Alt. OH Lunge (L) TC 10’
Oct 2018
Weightlifting (Shoulder Press) Warm Up: 1×5 @40% 1×5 @50% 1×3 @60% @Rest: HSPU / Pull up Prog. ADV: 8-10 Strict C2B o Strict Pull ups Then 1×5 @65% 1×5 @75% 1x Max reps @77% @Rest 2-3’ entre sets Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 7’ AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15-18… etc HSPU Pull ups ADV: Deficit HSPU / C2B
Oct 2018
Metcon (Tiempo) PARTNER WOD FOR TIME AND CAL 3000m Row* 1600m Run (2x 800m entrando al pasaje) 2000m Row** 1000m Run (2x 500m sin entrar) MAX CAL ROW TC 40’ *Cambiar cada 300m **Cambiar cada 200m ***Anotar tiempo al terminar los últimos 1000m y las calorias hasta llegar a los 40’
Oct 2018
Weightlifting (Snatch Pull) 4Sets SNATCH PULL CON 3 PAUSAS + 1 Snatch Pull sin pausas @ 80-85% Pausa 3” a 2cm, rodillas y a 1/2 muslo Weightlifting (Snatch) 5’ Sets cada 90” SNATCH PULL + HANG SQUAT SNATCH + SQUAT SNATCH @ 60-70% Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 10’ AMRAP 5 Squat Snatch @ 50/35 10 T2B ADV: 60/40
Oct 2018
Weightlifting (Deadlift) Warm Up: 1×5 @40% 1×5 @50% 1×3 @60% @Rest: 100m sprint Run Then 1×5 @65% 1×5 @75% 1x Max reps @77% @Rest 2-3’ entre sets Metcon (Tiempo) 3 RFT 150m Sprint Run 21 AKTBS @ 24/16 9 Burpee Box Jump @ 60/50 ADV: AKTBS @ 32/24
Oct 2018
Weightlifting (Bench Press) Warm Up: 1×5 @40% 1×5 @50% 1×3 @60% @Rest: DU Prog. Then 1×5 @65% 1×5 @75% 1x Max reps @77% @Rest 2-3’ entre sets Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 21-15-9 Cal Row 30 DU o 30” intentos Ring Dips 30 DU o 30” intentos ADV: High Ring Dips
Oct 2018
Metcon CORE FOR QUALITY 20 Weighted Hollw Rocks 30” Hollow Hold 40 Hollow Rocks 2’ rest 20 Weighted Hip extension 30” Arch Hold 40 Hip extension Metcon (Tiempo) TEAMS OF 3 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME AND REPS A1: 150m 2 KTB/DB Farmer Walk A2: 30/21 Cal AB/Ski A3: Max Reps Burpees Box Jump Over @ all 50 TC 25’ *Cada atleta pasa 3 veces por cada estación *Rotar Cuando A1
Sep 2018
Skill WOD PREP. IN 12’ ADVANCE 3 RFQ 8-10 Strict C2B o Strict Pull Up 10 2DB/KTB RDL 8 Weighted Push Ups (Build a 8RM) 90” rest TC 12’ Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 800m Run 9 Pull Ups 21 DL @100/70 500m Run 15 Pull Ups 15 DL 300m 21 Pull Ups 9 DL TC 16’ ADV: 9 BMU – 15 C2B – 21 Pull Ups DL@ 100/70 – 110/75 –
Sep 2018
Weightlifting (Back Squat) Warm Up: 1×5 @40% 1×5 @50% 1×3 @60% Then: 1×5 @65% 1×5 @75% 1x Max reps @77% @Rest 2-3’ entre sets Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 7’ AMRAP 14 Alt. DBall Lunge @50/40 7 Burpees Over the DBall
Sep 2018
Skill WOD PREP. ADVANCE: Mientras se trabaja en la progresión de los ejercicios del wod, realizar: Build a heavy Complex en 4 Sets 2’30/Set 3 DL + 3 HPCL *After every complex 5 Wall Balls + 5 Burpees OB Metcon (Reps) 3 ROUNDS FOR MAX REPS 1’ Max Burpees 1’ Max Wall Balls @20/14 1’ Max Dead lift @50/35 1’ Max T2B 1’ Max HPCL @50/35 1’ Rest *Anotar suma
Sep 2018
Skill WORK ON HSPU (10-12’) *Si ya tengo HSPU realizar: 12’ EMOM M1: 2 Rope Climb (1 Legless + 1 RC) M2: Max Strict HSPU o Box Pike Push Ups M3: 40” DBall Bear Hold Metcon (Reps) PARTNER WOD 14’ AMRAP A1: 150m DBall Run A2: 7 HSPU 7 Burpees Over the Rower Max Cal Row ADV: Deficit HSPU MOD: Ajustar reps para no tardar más de 60”-70” en los
Sep 2018
Weightlifting (Snatch) 3’ EMOM 1 High Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch @ 60% 1’ Rest 3’ EMOM 1 Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch @ 65-70% 1’ Rest 5’ EMOM 1 Squat Snatch @ Climbing Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 21 – 15 – 9 Alt. DB Snatch @ 22’5/15 Pull Ups TC 8’ ADV: C2B-PU
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