Oct 2018
Weightlifting (Shoulder Press) Warm Up: 1×5 @40% 1×5 @50% 1×3 @60% @Rest: HSPU / Pull up Prog. ADV: 8-10 Strict C2B o Strict Pull ups Then 1×5 @65% 1×5 @75% 1x Max reps @77% @Rest 2-3’ entre sets Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 7’ AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15-18… etc HSPU Pull ups ADV: Deficit HSPU / C2B
Oct 2018
Weightlifting (Snatch Pull) 4Sets SNATCH PULL CON 3 PAUSAS + 1 Snatch Pull sin pausas @ 80-85% Pausa 3” a 2cm, rodillas y a 1/2 muslo Weightlifting (Snatch) 5’ Sets cada 90” SNATCH PULL + HANG SQUAT SNATCH + SQUAT SNATCH @ 60-70% Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 10’ AMRAP 5 Squat Snatch @ 50/35 10 T2B ADV: 60/40
Sep 2018
Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) 3’ EMOM 1 High Hang sqt. Clean + 1 Hang sqt. Clean + 1 Squat Clean and Jerk @ 60% 1’ Rest 3’ EMOM 1 Hang sqt. Clean + 1 Squat Clean and Jerk @ 65-70% 1’ Rest 5’ EMOM 1 Squat Clean and Jerk @ Climbing Metcon (Reps) 6 x 1’ AMRAP 10 T2B Max Power Cleans @ 1Rm de hoy 1’ Rest *Anotar Suma
Sep 2018
Weightlifting (Back Squat) Warm Up: 1×5 @40% 1×5 @50% 1×3 @60% Then: 1×5 @65% 1×5 @75% 1x Max reps @77% @Rest 2-3’ entre sets Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 7’ AMRAP 14 Alt. DBall Lunge @50/40 7 Burpees Over the DBall
Sep 2018
Skill WOD PREP. ADVANCE: Mientras se trabaja en la progresión de los ejercicios del wod, realizar: Build a heavy Complex en 4 Sets 2’30/Set 3 DL + 3 HPCL *After every complex 5 Wall Balls + 5 Burpees OB Metcon (Reps) 3 ROUNDS FOR MAX REPS 1’ Max Burpees 1’ Max Wall Balls @20/14 1’ Max Dead lift @50/35 1’ Max T2B 1’ Max HPCL @50/35 1’ Rest *Anotar suma
Sep 2018
Skill WORK ON HSPU (10-12’) *Si ya tengo HSPU realizar: 12’ EMOM M1: 2 Rope Climb (1 Legless + 1 RC) M2: Max Strict HSPU o Box Pike Push Ups M3: 40” DBall Bear Hold Metcon (Reps) PARTNER WOD 14’ AMRAP A1: 150m DBall Run A2: 7 HSPU 7 Burpees Over the Rower Max Cal Row ADV: Deficit HSPU MOD: Ajustar reps para no tardar más de 60”-70” en los
Sep 2018
Skill WORK ON RING MU Los Advance durante el trabajo técnico realizarán un trabajo estricto. Metcon (Reps) ADVANCE 4 SUPER SERIES 15 MB Sit Ups + Max Strict RMU Unbk 2’ rest / Series Metcon GYMNASTICS TEST a) ADV: 30 RMU FOR TIME b) Rx: 8’ AMRAP: Max MU (Bar o Ring) c) 8’ AMRAP 5 C2B PU 5 KTB Push Ups feet eleved @over 15kg Plate Metcon (Tiempo) 30
Sep 2018
Skill WORK ON CLEAN AND JERK in 12-15’ Durante el trabajo técnico los Advance realizarán un wod de activación previo a la parte de fuerza Metcon ADVANCE 3x 3’ AMRAP 10/7 Cal Row 3 Power Cleans 3 Front Squats 3 Jerks 1’ Rest/AMRAP @ 1er AMRAP: 40% 1RM CLJ 2o AMRAP: 50% 1RM CLJ 3er AMRAP: 60-65% 1RM CLJ Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) BUILD A 3 HEAVY REPS NO TN’G
Sep 2018
Skill WOD PREP. Work on Thruster and Kipping Pull ups in 15’ *Los Advance en los 15’ Buscaran 1 RM de Thruster. Weightlifting (Thruster) ADVANCE BUILD A 1 RM THRUSTER IN 15’ Despues de cada levantamiento realizar 5-8 Strict C2B o Strict Pull ups Metcon (Rondas y Reps) “BERGERON BEEP TEST” EMOM For as long as possible 7 Thrusters @35/25 7 Pull Ups 7 Burpees
Ago 2018
Skill BAR MU Trabajar en la progresión durante 15’ *Si ya se tiene BMU 3 ROUNDS 2-2-2 Weighted Pull Up* 20” Rest Max Reps Ring Push Ups 60” Rest *Cluster: Descansar 10-15” cada 2 reps TC 15’ Metcon (Reps) Cada 3’ x 5 Sets 100m MB Sprint Run 12 Alt. DB Snatch @ 22’5/15 Max MU (Bar o Ring)
Ago 2018
Metcon CORE FOR QUALITY 21-15-9 V-Ups *Despues de cada Set: 50m Heavy 1 KTB Farmer Walk (25m x arm) Metcon (Reps) 6 ROUNDS FOR MAX REPS 1’ Max Cal Row 1’ Max Burpees 1’ Max DU 1’ Rest Anotar suma total de Reps + Cal
Ago 2018
Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) 4 Sets / 90” 1 High Hang Sqt. CL + 1 Hang Sqt. CL @ 65-70% 4 Sets / 90” 2 Squat Clean and Jerk @ 75-80% Metcon (Reps) 4 x 2’ AMRAP 9 C2B 6 Box Jump Over @ 60/50 Max P.CL 2’ Rest @40-50-60-70 / 30-35-40-45 ADV: +10/5 Kg
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