For Técnica Run 500 mts 7 Perfect Squat Snatch @ 80%* 9 Muscle ups * *If faill  or miss Run 150 mts Metcon (Tiempo) Prep Open Wod 17.1 -En 20 Minutos- For time: Run 500 mts 10 dumbbell snatches 10 burpee box jump 20 dumbbell snatches 10 burpee box jump 30 dumbbell snatches 10 burpee box jump 20 dumbbell snatches 10 burpee box jump 10 dumbbell snatches 10 burpee box

Metcon CORE 3 RONDAS 15 Hollow Rocks 15 V-ups 15 Tuck ins 15″ Hollow Hold 15 Back extensions 15″ Arch Hold Rest 60″/Ronda Metcon (Tiempo) PARTNER WOD FOR TIME 20 RMU 50 Thrusters @ 40/30 2500m Row 50 Thrusters 20 RMU *Repartir any how

Weightlifting (Back Squat) 7′ EMOM 5 Back Squats @ 70% + 30 DU Metcon (Reps)   9 x 90″ AMRAP 15 Cal Row Max Burpees Over the row Rest 90″ 90″ AMRAP 15 Cal AB Max RKTBS @ 32/24 Rest 90″ 90″ AMRAP 15 Cal Ski Max DU Rest 90″   *En los sigiuentes 3 amraps ejecutar 12 calories *En los ultimos 3 amraps 9 calorias 

Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) BARBELL CONDITIONING 5 Sets 90″/ Set @ 60-70% S1: 6 HSCL + 2 Push Jerks S2: 5 HSCL + 3 Push Jerks S3: 4 HSCL + 4 Push Jerks S4: 3 HSCL + 5 Push Jerks S5: 2 HSCL + 6 Push Jerks Then: Set 6: Build 1 rep pesada C+J Set 7: Build 1 rep pesada C+J Set 8: Build 1 rep pesada C+J Metcon (Tiempo) FOR

Gymnastics (Chest-To-Bar Pull-up) 3 SETS 90″ AMRAP 150m Sprint Run Max KC2B PU Rest 90″/AMRAP Metcon (Rondas y Reps) RUN CINDY 20′ AMRAP 5 Pull ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats * Cada vez que se realizan 3 rondas, 500m run

Metcon (Tiempo) KIPPING HSPU 15 HSPU rest 1′ 12 HSPU rest 45″ 9 HSPU rest 30″ 6 HSPU rest 15″ 3 HSPU Weightlifting (Deadlift) 5′ EMOM 5 DL @ 70-75% + 3 High Box jump Open 15.1 Complete As Many Rounds as Possible in 9 minutes 15 Toes-to-Bars 10 Deadlifts (115/75 lbs) 5 Snatches (115/75 lbs) Open 15.1 and 15.1A should be done together as follows: As soon as the

RECOGNIZE THE IMPORTANCE IN ENDURANCE “The No. 1 thing is CrossFitters think running is about running. No, running is about developing and improving overall work capacity,” Hinshaw said. “You are supporting your bodyweight, the amount of precision you are controlling and your body’s ability to buffer or clear your lactate.” So, why is that important? “When that lactate hits your bloodstream it has no idea where it came from, its

Weightlifting (Snatch) 4 Sets x 3 2’/Set @ 70-80% 1 Pause 3 Pos. Snt Pull +1 Sqt Snt (Pausa de 3″ en las rodillas) + 1 Sqt Snt Then: 4 x 1 Snatch pesados sin fallos Metcon (Reps) Prep Open 14.1 12’ Amrap 30 Du’s 10 GTO @ 30/25 * *subir 10/5 kg cada Rnd

Gymnastics (Chest-To-Bar Pull-up) STRICT C2B PU + Build a Heavy Rep of BACK SQUAT con 3″ de pausa R1: 10 Ring Rows + 5 reps R2: 5 S.Pull ups + 3 reps R3: 60% of Max + 1-2 reps R4: 60% of Max + 1 heavy rep R5: 60% of Max + 1 heavy rep R6: 50% of Max + 1 heavy rep ADV: 1 Set of Max reps Kipping

CORE TABATA Hollow hold Superman hold Rest 2’ TABATA L-Sit hold Hip extension hold Metcon (Reps) PARTNER WOD 15′ AMRAP 50 Wall Balls @ 20/14 50 C2B PU 50 Box Jump Over @ 60/50 50 HSPU *Repartir any how

Weightlifting (Back Squat) 6 SETS OF 3 REPS SET 1-2: 75% SET 3-4: 80% SET 5-6: 85% Set cada 90″ Metcon (Reps) On a 20′ clock, 4 rounds of: R1: Cal Row / R2: Cal AB/SKI / R3: Burpees Facing Bar / R4: DU 50″ Work / 10″ Rest 40″ Work / 20 ” Rest 30″ Work / 30″ Rest 20″ Work / 40″ Rest 10″ Work / 50″ Rest

Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) 5 Sets 2’/Set @ 70-80% 1 Pause 3 Pos. CL Pull +1 Sqt CL (Pausa de 3″ en las rodillas) + 1 Sqt CL + 1 Split Jerk     Metcon (Tiempo) GWEN BIATHLON FOR TIME: Run 500m 15 CLJ UBK* Run 500m 12 CLJ UBK* Run 500m 9 CLJ UBK* *Cada atleta escoge el peso de la barra * Cada brake 150m Run

