Ene 2018
CrossFit Wod-Jueves-25.01.18-Barcelona
“The No. 1 thing is CrossFitters think running is about running. No, running is about developing and improving overall work capacity,” Hinshaw said. “You are supporting your bodyweight, the amount of precision you are controlling and your body’s ability to buffer or clear your lactate.”
So, why is that important?
“When that lactate hits your bloodstream it has no idea where it came from, its just trying to get rid of it,” Hinshaw said. “As a a system your body becomes much more efficient at removing that lactate the same as when you’re doing pull-ups in a workout or when you’re running.”
Your body also becomes better at lifting. Everyone needs a to work endurance, whether you’re a CrossFitter, Powerlifter or Olympic lifter. By Chris Hinshaw from Athlete Daily Magazine.
Metcon (Reps)
25′ EMOM
M1: Max Cal AB/SKI
M2: 150m Sprint Run
M3: Max Cal Row
M4: 150m Sprint Run
M5: Rest
Rest 2′
FOR TIME 800m Run
RX+ Wear a Vest
*Sumar las CAL totales y anotar tiempo de carrera