Oct 2018
Metcon CORE FOR QUALITY 20 Weighted Hollw Rocks 30” Hollow Hold 40 Hollow Rocks 2’ rest 20 Weighted Hip extension 30” Arch Hold 40 Hip extension Metcon (Tiempo) TEAMS OF 3 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME AND REPS A1: 150m 2 KTB/DB Farmer Walk A2: 30/21 Cal AB/Ski A3: Max Reps Burpees Box Jump Over @ all 50 TC 25’ *Cada atleta pasa 3 veces por cada estación *Rotar Cuando A1
Sep 2018
Weightlifting (Snatch) 3’ EMOM 1 High Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch @ 60% 1’ Rest 3’ EMOM 1 Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch @ 65-70% 1’ Rest 5’ EMOM 1 Squat Snatch @ Climbing Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 21 – 15 – 9 Alt. DB Snatch @ 22’5/15 Pull Ups TC 8’ ADV: C2B-PU
Ago 2018
Weightlifting (Snatch) 3 SETS 90”/Set 5 OHS w/5” Pause 1st Rep 3 SETS 90”/Set 4 Snatch Balance 4 SETS 90”/Set 12” Pause 1st Pull + Hang Sqt. Snatch *Realizar una pausa de 3” en el 1er Tirón cada 2cm Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 7’ AMRAP 50 DU 10 P. Snatch @ 40/30 ADV: 50/35
Jul 2018
Metcon CORE NOT FOR TIME 1′ Ring/Box L-Sit Hold 2′ DBall Bear Hold 30″ Ring/Box L-Sit Hold 1′ DBall Bear Hold 15″ Ring/Box L-Sit Hold 30″ DBall Bear Hold TC 7′ Then: 300m KTB Farmer Walk (150m x2) TC 5′ Metcon (Reps) PARTNER WOD 15′ AMRAP 10/7 Cal Row 10 T2B Max Ring Dips UBK *Alternar full rounds **Anotar la suma total de las reps ADV: Max RMU
Jul 2018
Weightlifting (Overhead Squat) 12’ EMOM M1: Max. S.C2B* M2: Build a 3RM OH Sqt ADV: Max S.RMU OH Sqt. From ground *No S.PU sub: Max time Hold PU (arriba) Metcon (Reps) Anotar reps S.C2B Rx+: Reps S.RMU Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 10’ AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10-12…etc OH Squats @ 40/30 Box Jump @ 60/50 50m Sprint Run after each round ADV: 50/35
Jun 2018
Jun 2018
Weightlifting (Front Squat) DELOAD WEEK BUILD A MODERATE WEIGHT: 1 3″ PAUSE FRONT SQUAT + 2 FRONT SQUAT @Rest: Work C2B Prog. 5 Sets 3’/Set Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 6-9-12-9-6 Front Squats @ 70/50 Burpees OB C2B TC 10′ ADV: @80/55
Jun 2018
Weightlifting (Back Squat) 4 Sets 5’/Set 1-2 reps Back Squat @ 90-92% Max Strict C2B* 50m 2 KTB Front Rack Carry *No Strict Pull Up sub 3-5 reps Negative PU * ADV: Max Strict RMU Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 21-15-9 2 DB/KTB Box Step Up @22’5/15 Burpees 100m Sprint Run
May 2018
Warmup C.O.R.E 2Sets: Tabata 8 sets x 20″ work: max reps /10″ rest with a 10 kg Plate on the second set. Set1: Hollow Rocks Set2: v/ups Set3: Russian Twist Set4: sec Hollow Hold Set5: Russian Twist Set6: OH Plate sit Ups Set7: Back extensions Set8: Arch hold Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME AND REPS TEAMS OF 3 7000m Row Switch every 300m Después de realizar el remo MAX DU Unbroken
May 2018
Weightlifting (Deadlift) 2 ROUNDS NOT FOR TIME 8 Reps @ 77% 1’ Rest 6 Reps @ 82% 1’ Rest 4 Reps @ 87% 2’ Rest Metcon (Reps) 2 ROUNDS 2’ Max Cal Row 2’ Max Cal AB/Ski 2’ Max 2 DB Box Step Up @ 22’5/15 2’ Rest *Anotar la suma total de calorias y reps
Metcon (Tiempo) En Equipos 4-5 For Time: 800 mts Team Run 100 reps – Alt D-Ball Crusthers over High Rope @ 30/20 800 mts Team Run 100 reps – Alt D-Ball Cleans over mid rope @ 40/30 800 mts Run 100 reps – Sincro Burpess over and under a low rope 200 mts – Buddy Carry Run
Abr 2018
Metcon (Reps) 8’ EMOM M1: 50m KTB Farmer Carry + Max Strict C2B* M2: 50m KTB Farmer Carry + Max Ring Push Ups *No S.C2B o S.Pull up substituir por Pull ups en barra baja Metcon (Tiempo) “VERA” For Time: 21 DB Alt. Hang Power CL+J @22’5/15 21 Pull ups 300m Run 15 DB Alt. Hang Power CL+J 15 C2B 500m Run 9 DB Alt. Hang Power CL+J 9 BMU
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