Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 4′ AMRAP 2 Strict HSPU + 2 Kipping HSPU 4 DL @ 85% Rest 2’ 4’ AMRAP 1 Strict HSPU + 3 Kipping HSPU 4 DL @ 85% *No Strict HSPU sub: 4 Kipping HSPU *No Kipping HSPU sub: 4 DB Seated Press Metcon (Rondas y Reps) Anotar Rondas y Reps del segundo AMRAP Metcon (Reps) 4 x 2′ ON / 2′ OFF 20/16 Cal Row

Metcon CORE 6 ROUNDS FOR QUALITY 7m 1 KTB/DB Farmer Walk Right 30″ Hollow Hold 7m 1 KTB/DB Farmer Walk Left 30″ Arch Hold 1′ Rest R 1-2: Farmer Walk R 3-4: Front Rack R 5-6: OH Position Metcon (Tiempo) 3 RFT 500m Run 50 DU 150m DBall Run @ 50/40 50 DU

Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) Cada 90″ x 5 Sets Pausing Knee Clean DL Hang Squat Clean Squat Clean and Jerk *Starts with 50% +5% x set Then: 6′ EMOM 1 Squat Clean and Jerk M1: 73% M2: 75% M3: 78% *Repeat this cycle Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 12’ AMRAP 1 Round of “DT” @ 60/40 1 Round of “Cindy” “DT” 12 DL 9 HPCL 6 Sh2OH “Cindy” 5 Pull Ups

Metcon FOR QUALITY 10-8-6-4-2 Incline DB/KTB Bench Press Weighted Ring Rows Feet eleved Metcon (Tiempo) 4 RFT AND REPS 5/3 Strict C2B-PU 5/3 Strict Ring Dipsh 50 mts D-Ball Bear Carry@50/30* Max T2B Unbroken *+25mts every Rnd Adv: Sub C2B+RD x 3EstrictRMU

Weightlifting (Back Squat) Cada 4′ x 4 Sets 4 Back Squats @ 85% 3 High Box Jump Over @ 70/60 50m Sprint Run Max effort Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 100 DB Snatch @ 22’5/15 *EMOM: 3 Burpees Over the DB (Empezar con los Burpees) Then: 21-15-9 Wall Balls @ 20/14 30 DU TC 12′ ADV: @ 30/20

Weightlifting (Front Squat) Build a 2RM with pause 2” en 5 Sets Después de cada set: Build a 3RM High Box Jump Rest 2’ Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 14’ AMRAP 7 Cal AB/Row/Ski 7 T2B 7 AKTBS @24/16 7 Box Jump @60/50  

Metcon (Tiempo) PARTNER WOD FOR TIME 3000m Row* 50 Burpees Over the Row* 1600m Run juntos (2 Big Laps) 40 Burpees Over the Row* 3000m Row* 30 Burpees Over the Row* *Dividir any how

Metcon (Rondas y Reps) ADVANCE 3x 2’ AMRAP 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 Squat Snatch 1’ Rest Set 1: 30% Set 2: 40% Set 3: 50% Weightlifting (Snatch) On the 90” x 5 Sets Pausing knee Snatch DL Hang Squat Snatch Squat Snatch *Starts with 50% + 5% x Set Then: 6’ EMOM 1 Squat Snatch M1: 73% M2: 75% M3: 77% *Repeat

Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 3’ AMRAP Max Unbroken Complex 2 Strict C2B + 3 Kipping C2B* Rest 2’ 3’ AMRAP Max Unbroken Complex 1 Strict C2B + 4 Kipping C2B* *Cada vez que se suelta de la barra: 10 Push Ups Modificación: 3’ AMRAP 5 Pull Ups en barra baja 10 Push Ups Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 3x 4’ AMRAP 150m Sprint Run Then: Max Rounds of: 2 BMU 4

Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 12-9-6 DL @ 82% 9-12-15 HSPU *After each Set: 30 DU Unbroken Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 9-15-21 Cal Row Thrusters @43/30 TC 7’ ADV: Cal AB DB Thrusters @22’5/15

DELOAD WEEK Metcon 3/4 RFQ 20 DB Renegade Row (10 x arm) 7m Hand Stand Walk o Partner Hand Stand Walk 90” Rest TC 12’ Metcon (Tiempo) PARTNER WOD FOR TIME 100/80 Cal Row/AB/Ski* 50/40/30 C2B* 100m Farmer Carry together 100/80 Cal Row/AB/Ski* *Dividir any how TC 20’

DELOAD WEEK Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 6’ AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15… etc DL @65% HSPU Wall Balls @20/14 Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 3 x 3’ AMRAP 12 Alt. Pistols 12 Burpees Rest 90” 2o AMRAP: 9 Reps 3er AMRAP: 6 Reps Anotar rondas y reps de cada AMRAP por separado

