Gymnastics (Bar Muscle-up) Trabajar en el Skill ADV: 10′ EMOM M1: 50 DU M2: 5 C2B + 3 T2B + 1 BMU Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 15′ AMRAP 4 BMU 8 DBall Squats @ 50/40 12 Burpees over the DBall

Weightlifting (Snatch) 4 Sets x 3 2’/Set @ 70-80% 1 Pause 3 Pos. Snt Pull +1 Sqt Snt (Pausa de 3″ en las rodillas) + 1 Sqt Snt Then: 4 x 1 Snatch pesados sin fallos Metcon (Reps) Prep Open 14.1 12’ Amrap 30 Du’s 10 GTO @ 30/25 * *subir 10/5 kg cada Rnd

Gymnastics (Handstand Push-up) STRICT HSPU + Build a Heavy Rep of DL SNATCH GRIP R1: 10 Push ups + 5 reps R2: 5 Pike push ups + 3 reps R3: 60% of Max S.HSPU + 1-2 reps R4: 60% of Max S.HSPU + 1 heavy rep R5: 50% of Max S.HSPU + 1 heavy rep R6: 50% of Max S.HSPU + 1 heavy rep ADV: 1 Set of Max reps

“The Open Test” by Ben Bergeron Metcon (Reps) Metcon (Reps) AMRAP in 20 minutes 50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) 50 Double Unders 40 Box Jumps 40 Toes-to-Bars 30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 30 Burpees 20 Power Cleans (65/45) 20 Jerks (65/45) 10 Power Snatches (65/45) 10 Muscle-Ups

Skill HSPU / T2B ADV: Build a 3RM Deficit HSPU Rest: 3-5 T2B estrictos Metcon (Reps) 8 RONDAS 20″ Max T2B 10″ Rest 20″ Max Burpees 10″ Rest 2′ Rest 8 RONDAS 20″ Max Wall Balls @ 20/14 10″ Rest 20″ Max HSPU 10″ Rest @18:00: Run 800m For Time

Weightlifting (Power Snatch) 5 SETS 90″/set 1 Pause 3 pos. Snt pull + 1 P. Snt + 1 Snt Balance @ 60-70% Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 4 x 3′ AMRAP 15/12 Cal Row 9 P. Snt 6 Burpee Box Jump @ 60/50 Rest 2’/ AMRAP @ 50/35 – 40/30 – 30/25 – 20/15 (Disminuir peso del snt en cada amrap)

Gymnastics (Chest-To-Bar Pull-up) STRICT C2B PU / OVER HEAD SQUAT R1: 10 RR + 5 reps R2: 5 PU + 3 reps R3: 60% of Max + 2 reps R4: 50% of Max + 1 Heavy rep R5: 50% of Max + 1 Heavy rep R6: 50% of Max + 1 Heavy rep Open 11.6 As Many Reps as Possible in 7 minutes 3 Thrusters(100/65 lbs) 3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups 6

Gymnastics (Chest-To-Bar Pull-up) STRICT C2B PU R1: 50% of Max S.C2B PU R2: 50% of Max S.C2B PU R3: 50% of Max S.C2B PU R4: 40% of Max S.C2B PU Rest: 40″ Max Cal Row Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 12′ AMRAP 6 HSPU 12 Cal Row 24 Air Squats Rest 2′ 3′ AMRAP Burpee MU

Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 20′ AMRAP 300m Run 30 DU 10 DL @ 50/35* 10 Burpees Over the Bar* *Aumentar 2 reps en cada ronda

Metcon (Reps) Perform 10 rounds of the following, completing as many reps of each exercise as possible: 30 seconds of toes-to-bars o feet elev Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of dips o HR Push Ups Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of body-weight deadlifts(Full control-No drops) Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of handstand push-ups o handstand hold Rest 30 seconds

Gymnastics (Handstand Walk) TRABAJAR EN LA TÉCNICA ADV: 10′ EMOM m1: 5 T2B + 2 BMU* m2: Max distance HSW *UNBROKEN Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 16′ AMRAP 100m Partner Carry (50m cada uno) 40 Partner Wall Balls @ 20/14 20 Partner Dead Lift @ 120/100/80 (MM/MF/FF) 10 Syncro T2B 5 Syncro Burpees Over the Bar

Metcon (Reps) WITH A RUNNING CLOCK 0:00-10:00: Run 2 Big Laps + Max Box Jumps @ 60/50 10:00-13:00: Rest 13:00-20:00: Run 800m + Max Push Ups 20:00-23:00: Rest 23:00-27:00: Run 500m + Max Sit Ups Skill MOBILITY

