Jul 2018
Metcon FOR QUALITY 50/40 Ring Rows feet eleved *Cada brake: 5 Weighted Push Ups T.J. JT FOR TIME 21-15-9 HSPU RING DIPS PUSH UPS TC 15’ Mod: 15-12-9
May 2018
Murph For Time 1 Mile Run 100 Pull-Ups 200 Push-Ups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats as needed. Start and finish with a Mile run. If you’ve got a 20 pound vest or body armor, wear it. In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
Abr 2018
Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) 12’ EMOM M1: 3 PCL M2: 2 Hang Squat Clean M3: 1 Squat Clean and Jerk S1: 65% S2: 70% S3: 75% S4: 80% Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 12’ AMRAP 2 Rounds of DT @ 50/35 100m KTB Farmer Walk 2 Rounds of DT @ 60/40 100m KTB Farmer Walk Max Rounds of DT @ 70/45 “DT” 12 DL 9 HPCL 6 Jerks
Dic 2017
Metcon (Tiempo) ‘Partner New Year Wod’ For time: In: 365 Du’s Jan-31 OHSqt @50/35 Feb-28 Burpees Over bar March-31 Hang Power Snt @ 50/35 April-30 Toes To Bar May-31 Front Sqt @ 60/45 Jun-30 Burpee Box Jump Jul-31 Hang Power Cleans @60/45 Augs-31 Toes To Bar Sep-30 Back Sqt @70/55 Oct-31 Burpee Wall Balls @20/14 Nov-30 Shoulder to over Head 70/55 Dic-31 Muscle Ups Out: 365 Du’s *Split Reps ‘any-how’
Nov 2017
“Hero’s C.O.R.E” Atletas A,B,C rotan estaciones de CORE y DT For Time: 20 Synchro Knees to Chest (A+B) 2 Rnds “DT” con Dumbells @15/10 (C) 15 Synchro Knees to Elbow (C+B) 2 Rnds “DT” con KB’s @ 16/12 (A) 10 Synchro T2B (A+C) 2 Rnds “DT” con Barbell @60/40 (B) -Time Cut 18 mins- @20:00 mins – En equipos Chico/Chica – build a 1Rm Sqt Clean @25:00 mins – FIN
Jul 2017
A. Dead Lift @90%1rm 55% x 5, 65% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% x 3+ B. Partner Wod For Time: A1: 1rnd DB “DT” / A2: 2KTB Hold * 50 Box Jumps** A1: 1Rnd DB “DT” / A2: 2 KTB Hold* 50 Wall Balls** A1: 1Rnd DB “DT”/A2: 2 KTB Hold* 50 T2B** Time Cut 20′ ** Dividir reps any-how
Dic 2016
A. 3Rm Clean & Jerk -Touch and Go – B. “Wise Man” -3′ AMRAP- Macho Man @ 60/40 rest 3′ -3′ AMRAP- Macho Man @ 70/45 rest 3′ -3′ AMRAP- Macho Man @ 80/50 *1 Macho Man Complex = 3Pcl + 3FSqt + 3 P.Jerk
Dic 2016
A. “Dead by T2B” minuto 1: 4 T2B cada minuto +2 reps B. -MetCon- ” The Chief “ 5 Rnds de 3 mins: 3′ AMRAP 3 P.Cleans @ 60/40 6 Push Ups 9 A.Squats -Rest: 60″ / Rnd-
Sep 2016
A. Bench Press: Wup: 60% x3, 70% x3, 80% x3, 85%x3, 90%x3 + Rest: 10″ C2B Hold + 10″ Hstd Hold B. “Team Nate” 20′ AMRAP: En parejas alternar full rnds de: A1: 2 R.Muscle Ups 4 HSPU 8 KBS @32/24 A2: D-Ball Hold on shoulder mientras A1 trabaja.
Jul 2016
-HERO WOD- “MURPH” For Time : MB Run 2 Big laps @ 20/14 100 Pull-Ups 200 Push Ups 300 Air Squats MB Run 2 Big laps @20/14 —Advance: Rx — Intermediate: team x 2 Begginers : Team x 3 *Comp: 09.04.16
Jul 2016
A. -Dead Lift- .3 – 3 – 3. B. -Team Hero Wod- En parejas alternar Rnds completas “SHAM” -7RFT- 11 DL @ Body Weight 100 mt Sprint Run @ máximo esfuerzo * Mientras A1 trabaja , A2 descansa
May 2016
Entrenamiento Visita a UBox – Mataró A. 10′ EMOM: 1 Clean & Jerk -Heavy- -luego- En 5 mins encontrar 1RM C&J B. Team Nate: En parejas alternar 10RFT: 3 Muscle Ups 6 HSPU 9 KBS @24 C. -En Trios- *Dividir any how 3RFT: 200 DU* 20 Stone 2 Shoulders* 500 mts Run -Time Cut 20 mins – Muchas Gracias CrossFit Mataró UBOX