A. 10’Emom Ladder  1DL + 1 HP Squat Clean (Go Heavier every min)     B. 100 P.Cleans x Time: *cada minuto: 20 DU’s

A. Dead Lift @90%1rm  55% x 5, 65% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% x 3+ B. Partner Wod For Time: A1: 1rnd DB “DT” / A2: 2KTB Hold * 50 Box Jumps** A1: 1Rnd DB “DT” / A2: 2 KTB Hold* 50 Wall Balls** A1: 1Rnd DB “DT”/A2: 2 KTB Hold* 50 T2B** Time Cut 20′ ** Dividir reps any-how  

RECOGNIZE THE IMPORTANCE IN ENDURANCE “The No. 1 thing is CrossFitters think running is about running. No, running is about developing and improving overall work capacity,” Hinshaw said. “You are supporting your bodyweight, the amount of precision you are controlling and your body’s ability to buffer or clear your lactate.” So, why is that important? “When that lactate hits your bloodstream it has no idea where it came from, its

  -Week 11, Dia 4- A. Push Press @  65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+ Rest: Over bench KB Rows x 6-8 (AHAP) B. “Building Mental Toughness” -Inspired in Rob Orlando Wod- For 20 Mins: Max Static D-Ball Hold @ 40/30 *Every Drop: + 1 Burpee Box jump -Anotar Número total de Burpees BxJ-  

A. En 10 mins build a 2rm Squat Clean and Jerk -Not touch & go- B. “The Bear Complex” 5 rnds : 1 Rnd cada 5 mins 1rnd= 5-7 x ( 1 P.Clean+1 F.Sqt+1 Push Press+1 B. Sqt+1 Push Press)* incrementar peso/rnd *sin soltar la barra 

A. E. Shoulder Press  3 x 5 B. Skill: Bar Muscle Ups  C. -En 12 mins – For Time: 9 – 7 – 5 – 3  S2OH @ 70/50 P.Cleans DL Bar/Ring Muscle Ups Tiempo restante:  AMRAP: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 Burpees T2B

Durante 5 semanas has experimentado como CrossFiter un periodo de motivación e ilusión máxima. Tenías un objetivo claro: hacerlo lo mejor posible en cada WOD para superarte respecto a tus marcas anteriores. Eso hacía que tu cerebro se mantuviese concentrado, que todas tus energías se dirigiesen hacia la misma dirección; lograr ese objetivo. Te has parado a pensar en todas esas emociones y en el porqué fuiste capaz de repetir

