Metcon 3 RFQ 12 Strict Ring Dips 60” Rest 6/6 Single arm Ring Rows* 60” Rest *No single arm RR sub: 12 Ring Rows feet eleved Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME In: 500m Run 21-15-9 AKTBS @ 24/16 T2B 50 DU after every set Out: 500m Run ADV: @32/24 – 100 DU after every set

Weightlifting (Back Squat) 10’ EMOM M1: 5 Back Squat @75-80% M2: 40” Max Strict C2B ADV: Max Strict RMU *No S.Pull Up: Sub max time hold on top Metcon (Reps) Anotar reps Strict C2B Metcon (Reps) 3 x 4’ AMRAP 150m Sprint Run 2 Rounds: 4 C2B, 6 Alt. Pistols, 8 Box Jump @60/59 1er AMRAP: Max OH Squat @ 1/2 BW 2o AMRAP: Max Front Squat @ 3/4 BW

Skill BAR MU Trabajar en la progresión durante 15’ *Si ya se tiene BMU 3 ROUNDS 2-2-2 Weighted Pull Up* 20” Rest Max Reps Ring Push Ups 60” Rest *Cluster: Descansar 10-15” cada 2 reps TC 15’ Metcon (Reps) Cada 3’ x 5 Sets 100m MB Sprint Run 12 Alt. DB Snatch @ 22’5/15 Max MU (Bar o Ring)

Metcon CORE FOR QUALITY 21-15-9 V-Ups *Despues de cada Set: 50m Heavy 1 KTB Farmer Walk (25m x arm) Metcon (Reps) 6 ROUNDS FOR MAX REPS 1’ Max Cal Row 1’ Max Burpees 1’ Max DU 1’ Rest Anotar suma total de Reps + Cal

Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) 4 Sets / 90” 1 High Hang Sqt. CL + 1 Hang Sqt. CL @ 65-70% 4 Sets / 90” 2 Squat Clean and Jerk @ 75-80% Metcon (Reps) 4 x 2’ AMRAP 9 C2B 6 Box Jump Over @ 60/50 Max P.CL 2’ Rest @40-50-60-70 / 30-35-40-45 ADV: +10/5 Kg

Weightlifting (Back Lunge) 3 RFQ 8-10 DB Back lunge x leg 10 Ring Rows feet eleved 5/5 KTB Bottom Up Press 60” Rest Nancy 5 Rounds For Time 400 meter Run 15 Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs) namesake photo “Nancy” is a classic CrossFit benchmark WOD, one of “The Girls,” originally published on the CrossFit main site on June 28, 2005. One variant of the workout is “Nautical Nancy,” which substitutes

Weightlifting (Deadlift) 10’ EMOM M1: 5 DL @ 70-80% M2: 7m HSW o Práctica Metcon (Tiempo) 3 RFT 10 DL @ 110/80 5 HSPU 10/7 Cal Row/AB/Ski 5 HSPU ADV: @ 120/90 – Estrict HSPU Time Cut 10 mins

Weightlifting (Weighted Pull-up) WHEIGHTED CHIN UP Build a 5 RM En 4 Sets 3′ / Set @Rest: 5-8 1 DB Strict Press x arm Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 14′ AMRAP 7/7 1DB Sh2OH @ 22’5/15 7 T2B 7 High Box Jump @ 70/60

Weightlifting (Snatch) 4 SETS 90″/Set 1 High Hang Sqt. Snatch + 1 Hang Sqt. Snatch @ 65-70% 4 SETS 90″/Set 2 Sqt. Snatch @ 75-80% Metcon (Tiempo) 3 RFT 20 HP Snatch @ 40/30 15/10 Cal Row / AB / SKI 20 Alt. Front Rack Lunge @ 40/30 15/10 Cal Row / AB / SKI ADV: @ 50/35

Metcon CORE 8′ AMRAP Max 2 KTB Hold *EMOM: 5-8 Ring Push Ups (empezar con los ring push ups) *En los primeros 4′: 2 KTB Farmer Hold En los últimos 4′: 2 KTB Front Rack Hold Metcon (Reps) 10 x 1′ AMRAP 5 Burpees Over the Bar Max SDLHP @ 50/35 90″ Rest / AMRAP ADV: 10 BOB / @ 60/40

Weightlifting (Front Squat) Build a heavy Complex: 1 Front Squat w/ 5″ Down + 2″ Pause of Bottom + 1 Front Squat 4 Sets 3’/Set @Rest: work on Pull up/C2B Complex Fran For Time 7 Bar Muscle-Ups 7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 7 Chin-Over-Bar Pull-Ups 21 Thrusters (95/65 lb) 5 Bar Muscle-Ups 5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 5 Chin-Over-Bar Pull-Ups 15 Thrusters (95/65 lb) 3 Bar Muscle-Ups 3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 3 Chin-Over-Bar Pull-Ups 9

Metcon (Peso) 12’ EMOM M1: 4 DL* M2: 4 Bench Press* M3: 2 Rope Climb Legless *cada set disminuir una rep (4-3-2-1) *Augmentar peso en cada set Metcon (Reps) 15’ EMOM M1: 5 DL @110/80 + 5 HSPU M2: Max T2B M3: Rest ADV: DL @120/90 – Deficit HSPU

