Sep 2018
Weightlifting (Snatch) 3’ EMOM 1 High Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch @ 60% 1’ Rest 3’ EMOM 1 Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch @ 65-70% 1’ Rest 5’ EMOM 1 Squat Snatch @ Climbing Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 21 – 15 – 9 Alt. DB Snatch @ 22’5/15 Pull Ups TC 8’ ADV: C2B-PU
Sep 2018
CrossFit Total Sum of the Best of Each Lift 1 Back Squat 1 Shoulder Press 1 Deadlift Athlete gets 3 attempts at each lift. Weight must increase after each successful attempt at each movement. Weight may not be decreased after first attempt. A failed rep counts as an attempt. The CrossFit Total is CrossFit’s approach to testing absolute strength, deeming these movements the “three most effective lifts in existence for
Sep 2018
Skill WORK ON RING MU Los Advance durante el trabajo técnico realizarán un trabajo estricto. Metcon (Reps) ADVANCE 4 SUPER SERIES 15 MB Sit Ups + Max Strict RMU Unbk 2’ rest / Series Metcon GYMNASTICS TEST a) ADV: 30 RMU FOR TIME b) Rx: 8’ AMRAP: Max MU (Bar o Ring) c) 8’ AMRAP 5 C2B PU 5 KTB Push Ups feet eleved @over 15kg Plate Metcon (Tiempo) 30
Sep 2018
Skill WORK ON CLEAN AND JERK in 12-15’ Durante el trabajo técnico los Advance realizarán un wod de activación previo a la parte de fuerza Metcon ADVANCE 3x 3’ AMRAP 10/7 Cal Row 3 Power Cleans 3 Front Squats 3 Jerks 1’ Rest/AMRAP @ 1er AMRAP: 40% 1RM CLJ 2o AMRAP: 50% 1RM CLJ 3er AMRAP: 60-65% 1RM CLJ Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) BUILD A 3 HEAVY REPS NO TN’G
Sep 2018
Skill WORK ON “PERFECT DL” in 10’ *Los Advance, mientras se realiza la técnica del DL realizaran trabajo accesorio. Metcon ADVANCE 2/3 RFQ 10/10 Single arm Ring Rows 10/10 Single leg KTB DL 20 Alt. Goblet KTB Reverse lunge TC 10’ Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 21 DL @BW 500m Run 18 DL 500m Run 15 DL 500m Run 12 DL 500m Run ADV: 100/70kg MOD: Escoger un peso en el
Sep 2018
Skill WOD PREP. Work on Thruster and Kipping Pull ups in 15’ *Los Advance en los 15’ Buscaran 1 RM de Thruster. Weightlifting (Thruster) ADVANCE BUILD A 1 RM THRUSTER IN 15’ Despues de cada levantamiento realizar 5-8 Strict C2B o Strict Pull ups Metcon (Rondas y Reps) “BERGERON BEEP TEST” EMOM For as long as possible 7 Thrusters @35/25 7 Pull Ups 7 Burpees
Sep 2018
Weightlifting (Bench Press) 4 Sets / 3’ Build a 3 RM w/ 5” Pause 2cm chest at 1st Rep @Rest: 8-10 2DB/KTB inverted Row Metcon (Tiempo) 5 RFT 10 HSPU 10 SDLHP @50/35 100m DBall Run @50/40 ADV: Deficit HSPU – @60/40
Sep 2018
Metcon CORE 2 RFQ 1’ L-Sit Hold on Rings or Box 10/10 Single leg plate Good Morning 1’30” DBall Bear Hold TC 8’ Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 800m Run 27/21 Cal AB/Ski 27/21 Cal Row 27 Burpees 500m Run 21/18 Cal AB/Ski 21/18 Cal Row 21 Burpees 300m Run 15/12 Cal AB/Ski 15/12 Cal Row 15 Burpees 150m Run 9/7 Cal AB/Ski 9/7 Cal Row 9 Burpees TC 30’ MOD:
Sep 2018
Weightlifting (Snatch) 3’ EMOM: 3 Muscle Snatch 60” Rest 3’ EMOM: 3 Power Snatch 60” Rest 3’ EMOM: 3 Squat Snatch (Build a 3 Heavy Reps) Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 7’ AMRAP 10 P. Snatch @30/25 1 Rope Climb ADV: @40/30 – RC legless
Sep 2018
Metcon 3 RFQ 12 Strict Ring Dips 60” Rest 6/6 Single arm Ring Rows* 60” Rest *No single arm RR sub: 12 Ring Rows feet eleved Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME In: 500m Run 21-15-9 AKTBS @ 24/16 T2B 50 DU after every set Out: 500m Run ADV: @32/24 – 100 DU after every set
Ago 2018
Skill BAR MU Trabajar en la progresión durante 15’ *Si ya se tiene BMU 3 ROUNDS 2-2-2 Weighted Pull Up* 20” Rest Max Reps Ring Push Ups 60” Rest *Cluster: Descansar 10-15” cada 2 reps TC 15’ Metcon (Reps) Cada 3’ x 5 Sets 100m MB Sprint Run 12 Alt. DB Snatch @ 22’5/15 Max MU (Bar o Ring)
Ago 2018
Metcon CORE FOR QUALITY 21-15-9 V-Ups *Despues de cada Set: 50m Heavy 1 KTB Farmer Walk (25m x arm) Metcon (Reps) 6 ROUNDS FOR MAX REPS 1’ Max Cal Row 1’ Max Burpees 1’ Max DU 1’ Rest Anotar suma total de Reps + Cal
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