Metcon CORE FOR QUALITY 20 Weighted Hollw Rocks 30” Hollow Hold 40 Hollow Rocks 2’ rest 20 Weighted Hip extension 30” Arch Hold 40 Hip extension Metcon (Tiempo) TEAMS OF 3 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME AND REPS A1: 150m 2 KTB/DB Farmer Walk A2: 30/21 Cal AB/Ski A3: Max Reps Burpees Box Jump Over @ all 50 TC 25’ *Cada atleta pasa 3 veces por cada estación *Rotar Cuando A1

Weightlifting (Snatch) 3’ EMOM 1 High Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch @ 60% 1’ Rest 3’ EMOM 1 Hang sqt. Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch @ 65-70% 1’ Rest 5’ EMOM 1 Squat Snatch @ Climbing Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 21 – 15 – 9 Alt. DB Snatch @ 22’5/15 Pull Ups TC 8’ ADV: C2B-PU

  Weightlifting (Snatch) 3 SETS 90”/Set 5 OHS w/5” Pause 1st Rep 3 SETS 90”/Set 4 Snatch Balance 4 SETS 90”/Set 12” Pause 1st Pull + Hang Sqt. Snatch *Realizar una pausa de 3” en el 1er Tirón cada 2cm Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 7’ AMRAP 50 DU 10 P. Snatch @ 40/30 ADV: 50/35

Metcon CORE NOT FOR TIME 1′ Ring/Box L-Sit Hold 2′ DBall Bear Hold 30″ Ring/Box L-Sit Hold 1′ DBall Bear Hold 15″ Ring/Box L-Sit Hold 30″ DBall Bear Hold TC 7′ Then: 300m KTB Farmer Walk (150m x2) TC 5′ Metcon (Reps) PARTNER WOD 15′ AMRAP 10/7 Cal Row 10 T2B Max Ring Dips UBK *Alternar full rounds **Anotar la suma total de las reps ADV: Max RMU

Weightlifting (Overhead Squat) 12’ EMOM M1: Max. S.C2B* M2: Build a 3RM OH Sqt ADV: Max S.RMU OH Sqt. From ground *No S.PU sub: Max time Hold PU (arriba) Metcon (Reps) Anotar reps S.C2B Rx+: Reps S.RMU Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 10’ AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10-12…etc OH Squats @ 40/30 Box Jump @ 60/50 50m Sprint Run after each round ADV: 50/35

Weightlifting (Front Squat) DELOAD WEEK BUILD A MODERATE WEIGHT: 1 3″ PAUSE FRONT SQUAT + 2 FRONT SQUAT @Rest: Work C2B Prog. 5 Sets 3’/Set Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 6-9-12-9-6 Front Squats @ 70/50 Burpees OB C2B TC 10′ ADV: @80/55

Weightlifting (Back Squat) 4 Sets 5’/Set 1-2 reps Back Squat @ 90-92% Max Strict C2B* 50m 2 KTB Front Rack Carry *No Strict Pull Up sub 3-5 reps Negative PU * ADV: Max Strict RMU Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 21-15-9 2 DB/KTB Box Step Up @22’5/15 Burpees 100m Sprint Run

Warmup C.O.R.E 2Sets: Tabata 8 sets x 20″ work: max reps /10″ rest with a 10 kg Plate on the second set. Set1: Hollow Rocks Set2: v/ups Set3: Russian Twist Set4: sec Hollow Hold Set5: Russian Twist Set6: OH Plate sit Ups Set7: Back extensions Set8: Arch hold Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME AND REPS TEAMS OF 3 7000m Row Switch every 300m Después de realizar el remo MAX DU Unbroken

Weightlifting (Deadlift) 2 ROUNDS NOT FOR TIME 8 Reps @ 77% 1’ Rest 6 Reps @ 82% 1’ Rest 4 Reps @ 87% 2’ Rest Metcon (Reps) 2 ROUNDS 2’ Max Cal Row 2’ Max Cal AB/Ski 2’ Max 2 DB Box Step Up @ 22’5/15 2’ Rest *Anotar la suma total de calorias y reps

Metcon (Tiempo) En Equipos 4-5 For Time: 800 mts Team Run 100 reps – Alt D-Ball Crusthers over High Rope @ 30/20 800 mts Team Run 100 reps – Alt D-Ball Cleans over mid rope @ 40/30 800 mts Run 100 reps – Sincro Burpess over and under a low rope 200 mts – Buddy Carry Run

Metcon (Reps) 8’ EMOM M1: 50m KTB Farmer Carry + Max Strict C2B* M2: 50m KTB Farmer Carry + Max Ring Push Ups *No S.C2B o S.Pull up substituir por Pull ups en barra baja Metcon (Tiempo) “VERA” For Time: 21 DB Alt. Hang Power CL+J @22’5/15 21 Pull ups 300m Run 15 DB Alt. Hang Power CL+J 15 C2B 500m Run 9 DB Alt. Hang Power CL+J 9 BMU

