Weightlifting (Back Squat) Cada 4′ x 4 Sets 4 Back Squats @ 85% 3 High Box Jump Over @ 70/60 50m Sprint Run Max effort Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 100 DB Snatch @ 22’5/15 *EMOM: 3 Burpees Over the DB (Empezar con los Burpees) Then: 21-15-9 Wall Balls @ 20/14 30 DU TC 12′ ADV: @ 30/20

Metcon (Tiempo) En Equipos 4-5 For Time: 800 mts Team Run 100 reps – Alt D-Ball Crusthers over High Rope @ 30/20 800 mts Team Run 100 reps – Alt D-Ball Cleans over mid rope @ 40/30 800 mts Run 100 reps – Sincro Burpess over and under a low rope 200 mts – Buddy Carry Run

Metcon (Reps) 8’ EMOM M1: 50m KTB Farmer Carry + Max Strict C2B* M2: 50m KTB Farmer Carry + Max Ring Push Ups *No S.C2B o S.Pull up substituir por Pull ups en barra baja Metcon (Tiempo) “VERA” For Time: 21 DB Alt. Hang Power CL+J @22’5/15 21 Pull ups 300m Run 15 DB Alt. Hang Power CL+J 15 C2B 500m Run 9 DB Alt. Hang Power CL+J 9 BMU

Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 12’ AMRAP 12/9 CAL Row 6 HSPU 3 DL @ 87% ADV: 12’ AMRAP 12/9 CAL AB 3 Strict HSPU + 3 Kipping HSPU 3 DL @ 87% Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 21-15-12-9-6-3 2 DB/KTB Front Squats T2B ADV Barbell Front Squat @60/40 + 10/5kg x ronda

Weightlifting (Deadlift) Build a 2RM en 4 Set 2’/Set Then: 3 Sets of 7 reps @ 80% of the above load 90″/Set Metcon (Tiempo) PARTNER WOD FOR TIME 2000m Row* 60 DL @ BW* 100 Burpees Facing Bar* *Dividir any how ADV: DL @ 102/70

Metcon (Reps) ADV: (Realizar cuando el resto de la clase trabaja la técnica) 2 ROUNDS 20″ AMRAP: HPCL + Jerk 20″ AMRAP: Burpees OB Rest 40″ 30″ AMRAP: PCL + Jerk 30″ AMRAP: Burpees OB Rest 30″ 40″ AMRAP: Sqt CL + Jerk 40″ AMRAP: Burpees OB 2′ Rest Round 1: 40% Round 2: 50% Weightlifting (Clean and Jerk) Cada 90” x 10Rnds Round 1-5: Clean Pull + Hang Sqt.

Metcon 4 ROUNDS 20 DB Bench Press top to top (10 reps x arm) 10 Weighted Ring Rows Feet eleved 50m KTB Heavy Farmer Walk* Rest 60″ *Si es posible: 1 arm KTB Front Rack / 1 arm KTB Over Head Metcon (Tiempo) 3 RFT 100m Sprint Run 21 T2B 100m Sprint Run 12 Pull Ups 100m Sprint Run 9 Ring Dips ADV: C2B / High Ring Dips

Weightlifting (Back Squat) En parejas repartir any how 6’ AMRAP 20 Back Squats @ 70% 20 Back Squats @ 75% Max Back Squats @ 80% Metcon (Tiempo) -2 ROUNDS- 9’ EMOM M1: 15/12 Cal Row M2: 12/9 Cal AB/Ski M3: 9 Burpees OB Then: FOR TIME 500m Run (AFAP) *No Rest entre Rondas *Anotar peor tiempo de carrera

Weightlifting (Bench Press) Build a 3RM en 4 Sets 2’ Set Rest: Max weighted Ring Rows feet eleved Or practice Butterfly Pu Metcon (Tiempo) 5 RFT 12 Burpees Box Jump @ 60/50 24 DU 12 T2B 8 Hang DBall Cleans @ 50/40

Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 9-7-5-3-1 DL @ 80% 2-4-6-8-10 HSPU Adv: 1/2 Strict HSPU + 1/2 Kipping HSPU 1/1 – 2/2 – 3/3… etc Skill Butterfly Pull Ups/C2B Metcon (Rondas y Reps) 10’ AMRAP 10 Pull Ups 10 Thrusters @ 43/30 Rx+: C2B / DB Thrusters @ 22’5/15

Metcon -4 SETS- 10 Barbell bent over Row 10 Weighted Push Ups Rest 90” Metcon (Tiempo) PARTNER WOD -FOR TIME- 1500m MB Run together 300 DU* 150 Wall Balls @ 20/14* 30 BMU* *Dividir any how

Metcon (Reps) 2’ ON 2’ OFF x 3 SETS Sprint Run 100m 10/7 C2B Max Front Squats @ 70% (From Rack) Metcon (Tiempo) FOR TIME 21-15-9-6-3 Alt. DB Snatch @ 22,5/15 T2B Box Jump @ 60/50

