Gymnastics (Handstand Push-up)

STRICT HSPU + Build SUMO DL 1Heavy rep

R1: 10 Push ups + 5 reps
R2: 5 Pike push ups + 3 reps
R3: 50% of Max S.HSPU + 1-2 reps
R4: 50% of Max S.HSPU + 1 heavy rep
R5: 50% of Max S.HSPU + 1 heavy rep
R6: 40% of Max S.HSPU + 1 heavy rep

Metcon (Tiempo)


150m MB-Run

30 Wall Balls @ 20/14
30 Box jumps @ 60/50

150m MB-Run

21 AKTBS @ 24/20
12 C2B

150m MB-Run

21 AKTBS @ 24/20
12 C2B

150m MB-Run

30 Wall Balls
30 Box jump


Time Cut 15 mins